No Video?? What happened!!
First of all check to make sure that either the HDMI or Audio/Video (CVBS aka RCA) cables is securely connected to the unit and the TV.
If that didn't resolve the problem, then please make sure your TV is set to the correct input mode.
If connected with the HDMI cable, and you still have issues seeing any video on your TV or your TV displays a message saying that the "Video Mode is Not Support", then your issue might be that the unit has disconnected the HDMI output.
To correct this issue, you will have to connect the unit to your TV using the CVBS/RCA cable to your TV.
Go to [Settings] on the Home Page and press "OK".
Toggle down to [General] and press "OK".
Go to [HDMI] and see if it is set to "Auto". If it is set to a different setting then press "OK".
Go to [AUTO] and press "OK".
Another issue for no seeing any video may be a defective HDMI cable. Please try to connect with another HDMI cable.